Membership Info

Join the Antique Automobile Club of America

Annual, Student and Junior Memberships in the AACA are open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique automobile hobby.
Ownership of an automobile is not a prerequisite of membership.

  • Annual Dues are $45.00 (includes spouse if applicable) – dues are bill annually – no pro-rating of dues.
  • Members receive bi-monthy issue of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine.
  • Members are eligible to join an AACA region and/or chapter.
  • Members can exhibit vehicles & compete for national prizes and annual awards.
  • Members receive unlimited free admission to the AACA Museum.
  • Members receive limited free research by the AACA Library & Research Center staff.


Interested in Joining the Illinois Region?

If you have never been a member of AACA and are interested joining. AACA does offer a free Membership to the National, the Region and the chapters. Fill in the contact form below for more information.

All it takes is membership in AACA National and an interest in the collection and preservation of antique automobiles.  However, it’s not necessary to own an old car. Some members have dozens of cars, some have only one.

Whatever your situation we have a member who can give you a ride on a tour or offer good advice on keeping that antique car running.  We are a friendly group with a lot of history and experience in maintaining very old automobiles as well as the more popular 40s, 50s, and 60s era cars.

Our award winning “Sidelights” newsletter goes out to all members monthly and ties our four Chapters together with interesting articles and the latest events. All of our members are encouraged to join one or more of our four Chapters in the Illinois Region for even more benefits and more activities.

To learn more about the region and it’s chapters check out the page: The Illinois Region and its chapgters

You can also download a flyer that you can share here:Illinois Region flyer

Please fill out the form below with any questions about membership and/or address corrections. Annual dues for the Illinois Region are $23 for both individual and joint memberships. Membership in the National AACA is an absolute prerequisite for membership in the Illinois Region.

    New Member Application

    Illinois Region Member Renewal form

    Want to know more about what we do, see our member stories here