Member Story: Bill and Joanna Vroman

We became members of the AACA in 2003 after being invited by the Waukegan/North Shore chapter President, Bob Grutza, who we met at a Poker Run benefiting the American Cancer Society.   In 2005, we submitted a story to the Antique Automobile about Lucy, our 1953 Chrysler New Yorker Convertible which we were thrilled to see published.   We’ve continued to be active in our local region and chapters including Bill being North Shore Chapter president for a year and both of us being on the Illinois Region board for at least one term.   We belong to the Fox Valley and Waukegan-North Shore Chapters of the AACA Illinois Region.

Lucy, Bills Dad (Vern), Joanna, Bill and friend Roxanne and Lucy at the 2003 Cuneo Concours

We are big fans of the AACA and have participated regularly in region and chapter tours.   We’ve also been part of the teams responsible for one of the 3 day fall tours as well as running the Waukegan-North Shore summer Picnic for a few years.

Our particular focus is touring.    Although some of the cars we’ve owned were capable of doing fairly well in local shows with the Chrysler receiving a 1st place award at the annual region show.

We currently own Lucy, our 1953 Chrysler which we’ve owned since 1998 and Cecil, a 1991 Cadillac Sedan DeVille.   Over the years we’ve had Eldo, a 1977 Eldorado and Ricky, a 1967 Riviera which were both low mileage cars that we enjoyed and passed along to others.   We also had Roscoe, a 1942 Plymouth coupe project car that we made a valiant attempt to bring back to life but eventually accepted our limitations and handed it off to a younger old car fan with more energy and capability to address the tin worm repairs that it desperately needed.

The Illinois Region does a great job of executing tours but the best part of being in the AACA is the friends we’ve made and the memories they helped create.

Antique Cars We’ve Owned




Cecil B DeVille

Bill retired recently and has taken up 3D printing.  Look here for more on 3D printing and printable car parts available now.

3D Printing

Region members Bill & Joanna Vroman were at a concert where A couple sang Rat Pack era songs.  She sang the “Favorite Things” song from the movie, “The Sound of Music” and we suggested they do a duet with him listing more masculine favorite things.   Bill came up with a version for the AACA.  Click below for the lyrics.

AACA Illinois Region Favorite Things