On January 15, 1946 our group was chartered and became the first Region of the eleven
year old Antique Automobile Club of America. In the early years the Region included five mid-west states. Today, the Region’s 200 plus families extend from the southern suburbs of Chicago to the Northeastern section of Illinois and everything in between.
We love driving our cars! We love touring! In addition to numerous one day tours around Northeastern Illinois and southern Wisconsin areas, we hold a two day Spring Tour and a two day Fall Tour. We also host a spring swap meet, a prestigious annual summer car show, in recent years at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Illinois,travel to car shows as a group, and celebrate the holidays together. You’ll enjoy meeting our members who love classic cars just as much as you do.
The Region sponsors two three-night tours a year, spring (usually May) and fall (October). The annual Membership Meeting is in January. Our Swap Meet is held in the spring, typically in April. Our Annual Vintage Car Show will take place in July at Cantigny in Wheaton and is one of the nation’s longest running antique car shows.
The four chapters of the Region alternate coordinating the sponsored events. In addition to the Region events, each Chapter has their own meetings and events. The Region is made up of a busy group people who like to have a good time. That isn’t hard to do when a bunch of car-nuts get together.
Welcome to the Illinois Region and its Website! Get to know the Region, its Chapters and the events that the members enjoy and contact us to have a good time!!
You don’t need to OWN a vintage car to be a member of AACA!
National Membership Annual Dues are $45.00 (includes spouse/partner)
Members receive bi-monthly issue of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine.
Additional membership options are available. Check them out at www.AACA.org
Illinois Region Annual Dues are only $23.00. Members receive our monthly Sidelights E-Newsletter and invites to Regional events and activities.
President: Dan Sobczyk
Vice-President: Rose O’Halloran
Treasurer: Bob Wenderski
Secretary: Humberto Garcia
To learn more about the various chapters of the Illinois Region please check out the links below or click here for a printable document: